
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Talking about passing remarks…

Based on the body of work that I’m certified in, I’ve been digging deep into case studies shared by the co-founders of the Center for The Empowerment Dynamic. Success stories from over a decade of this work having been delivered.

This case study I’m sharing today is a very good example of how a passing remark, at just the right time, really hit home, in a good way!

THE PASSING REMARK MOMENT: Steve, the CEO of driversselect, was attending a leadership program, and heard a passing remark in the corridor that “leaders deserve the organisation they get” – and that led him to look at leadership through a different set of lenses.

Steve said he had thought the answer to scaling the business was to bring on better people. “What I really needed was a better CEO”, he said.
That can be an ‘ouch’ vulnerable moment, particularly when the CEO is oneself, and the only person who can do anything about that ‘better CEO’ is oneself.
Steve’s aha moment came in the form of the honest realisation that what he modelled was what would be implemented.

If he showed up like a Persecutor, people would repeat that behaviour.

If he played the Rescuer role, it would signal that no one needed to take ownership.

This realisation was the beginning of his company’s rebirth.

An idea of what the Persecutor, Rescuer and Victim roles within the Dreaded Drama Triangle™ (DDT) sound like, feel like and the behaviours, is available as a 1-pager DDT Role Sheet. Please reach out if you’d like me to email you a copy.

Steve’s Challenge: Find company purpose through purposeful leadership.

The Response: the Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic)

The TED* component of Steve’s program, included weekly facilitated calls and it gave him the opportunity for deep, deliberate practice.

“I realised how contagious my energy was. If I showed up as a Victim, it created more victim mindsets. But if I shifted into being a Creator, it led to more people adopting a creator mindset.”

He then brought TED* to everyone within his company.

The full 2-page case study is viewable via this button, if you’d like to read the whole story that was a happy beginning and a happy ending, wrapped around the midway stage that was steeped in disenchantment and a new beginning.  

The turnaround Steve made by embedding TED* deeply within his company culture,  gave his people a new shared language, created a supportive environment allowing his people to be vulnerable and more. All of which has enormous happy and positive repercussions, in all manners of ways, both within his company and for his people in their relationships beyond the workplace.

I love that Steve’s future includes more of the same.

“It’s a journey that’s never complete” said Steve in wrapping up the case study.

Would you be interested to learn more about the Power of TED*?

A great place, as per Steve’s case study above, is to start with yourself first.

As role models we become stronger and capable to make the change we wish to see within our companies and throughout our communities.

Book a Discovery Call to find out more.

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