
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

Services / Programs

At Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop, we believe in the power of a life lived on purpose.

Our mission is to inspire individuals, leaders and teams to shift from reactive to creative leadership. With a foundation rooted in the principles of TED*™ (*The Empowerment Dynamic) and the 3 Vital Questions™, you will feel empowered to lead your life authentically, believe in your abilities, and create a future filled with purpose and positivity. Our holistic approach bridges the worlds of professional excellence and personal empowerment, guiding you to be the author of your own life.

Workplace Empowerment

Guiding leaders and their people to reduce workplace drama, enhance communication, and foster a culture of engagement. More

Self-Leadership Coaching

Learn to lead with authenticity, believe in your unique strengths, and create a life aligned with your true self. More

Susan as a Speaker

Book Susan to speak as a TED* facilitator, compelling speaker, storyteller, survivor advocate, lived experience expert and visionary leader. More

Personal Empowerment Workshops and Masterclasses

Experience a transformative journey as you consciously choose and practice empowerment! More

Ready to transform your workplace and your life? Book a time to speak with Susan and discuss the choices or combinations available to you. 

In 2021, Susan became Australia's first certified 3 Vital Questions® and TED* trainer, delivering the curriculum developed by The Center for the Empowerment Dynamic.

These transformative frameworks were created by David Emerald, renowned author of best-sellers: The Power of TED* and The 3 Vital Questions®: Transforming Workplace Drama with the Power of TED*.

If you haven’t had the chance to dive into The Power of TED* (The Empowerment Dynamic) you can find it on Amazon in various formats, including paperback, audio, and digital editions.

Self-Leadership Coaching with Susan Dunlop - Apply To Work With Me

Over the course of several months, Susan facilitated a series of online training sessions with our staff in Hong Kong (working with both large and small groups). Susan is highly skilled in her practice which she delivers in a personalised manner making it accessible to all. Susan was responsive in her planning and agile in her delivery to meet the needs of the group throughout our many interactions. Susan’s influence has positively impacted our staff and empowered us with the knowledge and skills to continue our focus and commitment to strengthening our emotional intelligence and reducing workplace drama.

Belinda McLaughlin Vice Principal, Jockey Club Sarah Roe School, Hong Kong

I had the absolute pleasure to be led by Susan in my time at the (NSW Business) Chamber. Susan taught me a lot about the business & myself! Susan is a true mentor/leader & one of the smartest business women I know. An honour to have worked with her.

Nicola Collins Gold Coast

I am so much more confident at setting boundaries because now I do it so much better. I am also teaching my daughter to cut the drama and set healthy boundaries. Susan, you were accommodating to my hectic travel schedule. I am happy with the whole process. I have many opportunities to apply the Power of TED* now. I hope my children will do this with you, too. Thank you so much, Susan.

K.A. Educator, AirB&B Owner, World Traveller

I am fortunate enough to have been mentored by Susan for many years. In the time that we have known each other she has made an invaluable contribution to my life. Susan has an innate understanding of people which proves to motivate confidence, change and resilience. I can’t think of a better person to partner with to achieve your personal and professional goals. Susan walks the talk. She lives a full and authentic life. Her passion and vulnerability are her greatest strengths and will be such a beacon for her many clients.

Bernadette Haigh Founder, Nature Kids, Sydney

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