The ripple effect sparked by individual transformation

Picture this: a simple yet profound concept shared by a fellow coaching student during my life coaching certification program in 2017. He painted a vivid vision—a ripple effect sparked by individual transformation.

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The hardest days were the best days

We managed short-notice placements of nurses and care staff around the clock. Based in sub-tropical Sunshine Coast, Queensland on the east coast of Australia, one thing we could not control was the weather.

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Imagine a workplace where everyone feels empowered, feels heard, and recognises the value of all contributors

Employee engagement is not a characteristic of employees but rather an experience created by organisation’s leaders, managers and team members.

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Everything about our business was people and care. 

I’d have brought the two frameworks I train people in now into my business even BEFORE I employed my first people because every employer of people needs to understand themselves first.

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