
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

Code of Conduct

At Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop, we uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. As a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), we adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics, which sets forth the following principles:
  1. Confidentiality: We maintain strict confidentiality regarding all client information unless disclosure is required by law.

  2. Integrity: We act with honesty, transparency, and integrity in all our coaching relationships and business dealings.

  3. Professionalism: We conduct ourselves professionally at all times, respecting the dignity and rights of our clients.

  4. Respect for Client Autonomy: We honour our clients’ autonomy, supporting their ability to make their own decisions and choices.

In addition to our commitment to the ICF Code of Ethics, we are proud to be registered with the American Board of Hypnotherapists, and Susan has been a GAICD (Australian Institute of Company Directors) and understands her responsibilities as a person conducting business. 
Susan holds the following professional qualifications:
  • Founder and Leader of Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop (2017 to current)
  • Founder and Lead Facilitator of Blue Borage (2024 to current)
  • Co-Creator of #sueandtomtakeagapyear (2016-2017)
  • QLD Manager – Health at NSW Business Chamber (2014-2016)
  • Founder and CEO of RNS Nursing (2000-2014)
  • Non-Executive Director at Sunshine Coast Economic Development Advisory Board (2009-2011)
  • Manager Administration at Solomon Garland Partners Lawyers (1984-1999)
Licences and Certifications:
  • Center for The Empowerment Dynamic, 3VQ Certified Facilitator (2021 to current)
  • Center for The Empowerment Dynamic, Transforming Drama to Designing Dreams Personal Coach (2021)
  • American Board of Hypnotherapy, Certified Hypnotherapist (2020)
  • Life Coaching Academy, Professional Coach ICF, NLP (2017-2019)
  • International Coaching Federation, member (2018 to current)
  • Australian Institute of Company Directors, GAICD company director’s course (2007)
Furthermore, we have implemented comprehensive business practices to ensure our clients’ and stakeholders’ safety and well-being, including a Business Plan, Risk Management Plan, and a Covid Safe Plan.

Thank you for entrusting us with your business. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our Code of Conduct or any aspect of our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Privacy Policy is also available and updated regularly on this website.

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