
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

What would changing your belief system from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’ do for you?

You know your language reflects your beliefs, yes? That if you recite something enough, you’ll hypnotise yourself to believe it’s true!

What would changing your belief system from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’ do for you?

A lot of ‘I can’t’ comes from the belief ‘there’s not enough time’, ‘I’m so busy’, ‘there’s so much to do’.  Hand on your heart, is this completely honest, if you’re recognising here that you ‘can’t’ more than you ‘can’. 

Are you busy being busy or are you busy delivering meaningful results? 

Robin Sharma shares that “Victims are addicted to being busy, to distractions, have time for social media comas, but are too busy to get the big good stuff done!

Leaders are productive”. Leaders are clear-minded and organised to get what needs doing done in all the roles they play in life!

It’s a great way to escape your greatness, by escaping into your devices all day. You were built to be the hero of your life.

Today’s a new day, the finish line and the start line.

  • What will you do differently tomorrow?
  • What new habits can you adopt that will outweigh the importance of old habits that don’t serve you?

There are plenty of differing opinions about how many days it takes to install a new habit. Anything from 21 days to 60 days.

I’ve experimented with 30 day habit-change tracking and it feels really hard for the first 2-3 weeks, then begins to feel good in the 4th week, but it’s easy to fall back into old habits that soon. Maybe that’s to do with playing small. 30 days, 1 month… that’s not that big a commitment.

In 2021, my clients are experimenting with 99 days to install their new habits. Most of my coaching programs continue for at least 90 days or 3 months, if not a year. I feel it’s more about keeping it kind, calmly taking small steps, celebrating lots of small wins and doing it with support. 3 x 33 days of replacing old, forming new habits and living them.

Who’s with me? Come and give it a try in coaching this year. I’ll gladly be your cheer squad!

You’ve got to start sometime! Is sometime maybe today?

I’d be honoured to support you in my coaching community.

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