
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

It’s Not “What Could Possibly Go Wrong with That?”

It’s “What Could Possibly Go Oh So Right by Bringing TED*® and 3VQ® to Your Organisation?”

When I established my first company in 2000, I sought the guidance of an Independent Director—an experienced defence force strategist. The monthly meeting ritual wasn’t just about supporting me in my learning curve of business ownership, establishing policies and procedures, bringing on a team, and handling immediate business challenges; it was a strategic practice that ensured we remained focused on our long-term vision.

One recurring question he would ask me was, “What could possibly go wrong with that?” – Duncan Schultz

It served as a reminder to evaluate new ideas critically yet with a sense of humour and practicality. We laughed until we cried often—a great stress relief in those very tired times of a 24/7 business! His other favourite and well-remembered words to me as that first-time business leader were, “Here, take this can of harden-up.” I took a deep breath and went away to have the difficult conversations I was still learning to navigate with either a team member or a tough client.

Fast forward 24 years, and my focus has expanded from learning to manage potential risks to exploring the positive impacts of implementing TED*® and 3VQ® in organisations. If you have been following my podcast conversations with Sheri Lawrence on the Transformative Power of TED*® and the 3 Vital Questions® this August, you’ll understand that the potential benefits of these frameworks far outweigh any initial concerns.

In our final episode, we will discuss what we both see could be a sceptics’ perspective, but today, let’s focus on what could go remarkably right.

What Could Go Oh So Right?

Here’s a high-level view of how being trained in TED*® and 3VQ® could help you to address ten (10) common challenges and transform workplace dynamics:

What Could Go RightType of Drama or Cost AddressedExample of TED*® and 3VQ® Frameworks & Tools That Apply
Increased Team HarmonyInterpersonal Conflicts
Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT)® roles of victim and persecutor leading to frequent conflicts.
TED*®: Shifting from the victim mindset to the creator mindset, building collaboration and empathy.
3VQ®: Understanding role impacts on team dynamics.
Enhanced Problem-SolvingReactive Problem-Solving
Limited creativity and solution-finding due to focus on drama, short-term fixes of problems and discomfort with conflict.
TED*®: Embracing the creator role to explore innovative solutions.
3VQ®: Using the 3 Vital Question framework to focus on outcomes rather than problems.
Boosted MoraleLow Engagement and Motivation
Impact of prolonged stress and drama on employee enthusiasm and energy.
High Stress and Burnout
Stress from ongoing drama and unclear action plans leads to burnout. There is a range of hard and soft costs associated with constant turnover.
Clearer Outcomes and DirectionLack of Focus and Alignment Misalignment of team efforts with organisational outcomes due to unclear or poorly communicated vision.TED*®: Setting and aligning outcomes and baby-step actions with a creator mindset.
3VQ®: Clarifying and communicating vision and purpose with the 3VQ® principles and 5-step action plan.
Reduced Stress LevelsTED*®: Modelling and fostering creator behaviours in leadership. The whole team’s approach to adopting TED*®
3VQ®: Using the framework to guide leaders in vision and goal setting.
TED*®: Utilising the coach role to support stress management and problem-solving.
3VQ®: Developing actionable plans that focus on incremental progress.
Greater AccountabilityLack of Responsibility
Stuck in the DDT® roles leading to blame-shifting and lack of accountability.
TED*®: Adopting the challenger role to foster accountability and ownership.
3VQ®: Encouraging personal responsibility and self-management.
More Effective CommunicationIneffective Communication
Misunderstandings and conflict due to poor communication skills.
TED*®: Enhancing communication through the coach and challenger roles.
3VQ®: Using effective questioning and listening skills to improve clarity and understanding.
Increased AdaptabilityResistance to Change
Challenges in adapting to new conditions or processes due to a focus on drama.
TED*®: Modelling and fostering creator behaviours in leadership. Whole team’s approach to adopting TED*®
3VQ®: Using the framework to guide leaders in vision and goal setting.
Enhanced Leadership SkillsIneffective Leadership
Lack of effective leadership due to role confusion and drama-driven behaviours.
TED*®: Modelling and fostering creator behaviours in leadership. The whole team’s approach to adopting TED*®
3VQ®: Using the framework to guide leaders in vision and goal setting.
Sustained Growth and ImprovementStagnation and Lack of Progress
Failure to achieve long-term growth due to ongoing drama and lack of focus.
TED*®: Promoting continuous improvement through the creator and challenger roles.
3VQ®: Setting and reviewing progress towards vision and goals.
So, what could possibly go wrong with any of that? Not giving it a try.

The TED*® and 3VQ® frameworks, when effectively integrated into your organisation’s culture, can address specific types of drama or costs, providing practical solutions and empowering choices in managing workplace dynamics. Whether dealing with interpersonal conflicts, low morale, or ineffective communication, these tools offer a structured approach to achieving transformation.

Pathways to TED*® and 3VQ®

There are various pathways to access TED*® and 3VQ® content tailored to your organisation’s needs. The most commonly spoken of first step is reading The Power of TED* by Center for the Empowerment Dynamic co-founder and best-selling author David Emerald. That’s where I started with all of this, and the only thing that has made me look back is imagining how powerful this would have been to know about back in 2000 when I started my first company.

If you’re ready to explore how these frameworks can bring about meaningful change and drive success, contact me to discuss how we can implement TED*® and 3VQ® in your workplace. Let’s make transformation not just a possibility but a reality.

Take care,

Susan Dunlop

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