
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

The Unseen Barrier: Understanding Resistance in Leadership

As leaders, we often face invisible barriers that inhibit our progress and prevent us from achieving our company’s outcomes. These barriers are not just external obstacles; they are also internal, often manifesting as resistance. Steven Pressfield, in his work Do The Work, describes resistance as “the enemy within,” noting that:

“The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.”

This resistance is cunning, impersonal, and relentless. It whispers doubts at midnight and fuels our worries in the quiet moments of solitude. But what exactly are we resisting? Sometimes, it’s the very actions that would lead us to significant growth and transformation.

Resistance in Action

Even renowned personalities like Ricky Gervais experience resistance. Despite his success, Gervais shares his struggles with anxiety and the incessant planning to mitigate risks that haven’t even materialised. It’s a clear illustration that resistance knows no bounds—it affects us all, irrespective of status or success.

Reflection as a Tool for Overcoming Resistance

One powerful way to confront and overcome resistance is through reflection and inquiry. I recently revisited this approach myself. I woke up one morning and jotted down in my journal:

“What am I resisting?”

This simple question opened a floodgate of insights. As I listed everything from networking to managing finances, I realised how resistance manifested in various aspects of my life, both personal and professional.

The Role of a Coach and Facilitator

As a 3 Vital Questions (3VQ) and The Empowerment Dynamic (TED*) coach and facilitator, I see the impact of resistance in many leaders and teams I work with. These two frameworks equip us with tools to shift from being problem-focused, as depicted in the Dreaded Drama Triangle, to being outcome-focused, engaging in more empowering roles of Creator, Challenger, and Coach.

Your Invitation to Transform

If you’re a leader grappling with these challenges, I invite you to explore how 3VQ and TED* can transform your approach:

  • Increased Awareness: Understand the significant cost of relationship drama in your life and work.
  • Shift in Mindset: Learn how to move from reactive postures to creative and proactive engagements.
  • Practical Tools: Gain practical tools for recognising personal triggers and transforming your interactions with others.
Take the Step Towards Transformation

The journey of self-awareness and transformation is challenging yet deeply rewarding. By choosing to engage with these powerful frameworks, you not only confront and overcome your resistance but also pave the way for a more fulfilling and impactful leadership journey.

If this resonates with you, and you’re ready to turn resistance into a force for growth, reach out. Together, we can explore how to tailor these transformative experiences to your unique needs and aspirations. Let’s make the shift from resisting change to embracing and leading it.

In next week’s newsletter, there will be a one-pager, ‘Overcoming Resistance: A Journalling Exercise’, which you might wish to try. If you have not yet subscribed, please use the form below.

Enjoy your week,


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