
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Do you worry? Inspiring me today are the words of Robin Sharma

Do you worry? The words of Robin Sharma from his book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, are inspiring me today. I read it in 2008 and, for a small book, it made a tremendous difference in my life, in who I was being, what I was doing and what was important to me.

This week, these words of Robin’s:

Worry drains the mind of its power and, sooner or later, it injures the soul.

Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

caught my attention.

All along my journey of personal development, it was gems of wisdom such as Robin Sharma’s words that inspired me to take one step forward or to reflect on how I was showing up in the world.

Robin was my first inspirational thought leader. I can’t think of anyone before him. So he must have been. Robin’s book was written in a fable style. That is also something I have come to appreciate more and more over the years. Three other favourite books by best-selling authors, David Emerald and Donna Zajonc, co-founders of The Center for The Empowerment Dynamic, are written in a similar fashion.

I connect Robin’s words to David Emerald’s creation, TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic). TED* is the antidote to the toxic roles of the Dreaded Drama Triangle we humans default to. It lets us pause, see the emotions that are not serving us – our worry, anxiety, stress and either our or others’ drama. Then we get to choose a healthier alternative.

Do you worry?
Anxiety, worry and fear are the engines that fuel the Problem – Victim Reactive Mindset.

A problem is perceived. We react to it, and anxiety, worry and fear arise. Then we react again to those emotions wanting to rid ourselves of them, so we come up with a solution to the problem. The problem has been solved, or so we believe. That causes our heavy emotions to dissolve, and we go on with our day. That way of being, living and working, does not last. The problem is really not solved, it’s the uncomfortable emotions we don’t like that we’ve taken care of, for now.

The healthier alternative is the Outcome – Creator vision inspired Mindset.

If we ask “where are we putting our focus” in a positive, outcome, creator mindset kind of way, we focus more on what it is we do want, and not on what we don’t want.

Looking up before we slip into that reactive mindset, we can ask ourselves “where am I putting my focus? Am I focused on problems or on outcomes?”. Once you can visualise what the outcome or dream is that is fruitful, healthy and inspiring, instead of worry, fear and anxiety, the way we interact with ourselves (internally) and others we live, love or work with, becomes passion-fuelled. From that place, we take actions that are in service of what we want.

That way of living, or operating in life, feels so much healthier for us, mind, body and soul.

The default problem – victim mindset vs conscious outcome – creator mindset is where I begin with all my coaching and facilitated programs. Once we understand those, the shift from worrying and drama is easy, it will just take practice.

I am grateful for the work and inspiring words of Robin Sharma. I have read or listened to all the audiobooks he’s created. Robin’s words today showed me how all the pieces of wisdom I appreciated along the way are beginning to interweave.

You can otherwise contact me via my website www.susandunlop.com.au.


Book a time to schedule an introductory chat using the booking button below.

Explore the two mindsets. It will do your soul and all your relationships some good!

Take care,


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