
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Our Six Human Needs. Which two do you prioritise?

I recall sitting in the audience of Date with Destiny. It was a four-day immersive event delivered by Tony Robbins at Jupiters Casino back in 2011. At that time I was beginning to experience massive growth in my company.

At that time ego was jostling for ownership of how I operated most days. I was on the edge of burnout. However, that year I found within me a need to begin to drop what no longer served me. I’d gifted myself a year of deep personal change, learning and growth in my mission to find the best version of me.

The Date with Destiny event dug deep into important matters of the heart.

We talked about our Mission in Life, our courage and our family of origin drama story. Did we have someone we blame and how we might thank them for the positive change they inadvertently caused in our lives? We talked about our go-to values and our away-from values; our intimate and other important relationships.

It was a deeply heart-felt immersive event. One small lesson that Tony had us work through, possibly only for an hour of the many hours we were together, was about our Human Needs. More so, it was to honestly tap into which two of our six human needs do we prioritise. Not the ones we would like to say we do tap into, but deep down what two drive us the most?

There is no success without fulfilment, Tony shared as one attention-grabber, and there’s nothing worse than an angry rich person, was another one I nodded sagely in response to.

I recall the exercise was to choose which two human needs are your ‘go-to’ daily.
  • Do you prioritise, for example, certainty as no. 1 and connection / love as no. 2?
  • Do you prioritise growth as no. 1 and contribution as no. 2.
  • If push came to shove and you could eliminate 4 of the six human needs, which two would you keep?
  • Which order would you keep them in?
  • Every need is happening, but which two do YOU prioritise?
we each have six human needs
Whether we’re consciously aware of it or not, our top four needs are being met every day as they have become crucial to our survival, but we all meet and prioritise them differently.

As a general rule, we each have a top two “driver” needs and the priority we choose will impact every aspect of our life and can cause major conflict – especially in our careers and relationships – if we need to interact with people with a different priority order.

The Six Human Needs are broken into two parts. The top four are needs of the Ego, and the last two are needs of the Spirit.

The top 4 are the most compelling and as much a part of our life as gravity. It doesn’t make sense and we don’t always like it but I still don’t recommend you test the theory.

Human NeedsResourceful BehavioursUnresourceful Behaviours
CertaintyCleaning, foundation routine, rituals, organisation, backing self, allowing yourself to be who you need to become in order to handle a problem.Over-eating, control of others, watching hours of TV instead of having a life, a rut, obsession compulsive behaviour, procrastination.
Uncertainty / VarietyNew challenges, playful-ness, embracing adventure, changing the meaning of an event (reframe), different hobbies, creativity.Overwhelm, drug taking, intoxication, changing TV channels, self-sabotage, creating drama and problems for ourselves so we have “something to do”.
SignificanceLeader of self and others, volunteer work, speaking up, achieving a desired outcome, mastery in our field of endeavour.Putting others down, promiscuity, gossip, sad stories about self, living a drama story, lack, victimhood, rebellion.
Connection / LoveSharing, supporting others, connect through nature, faith, self love, self worth, your truth, unconditional love, interdependent relationships.Needing, self harm, unhealthy relationships, connection through problems. eg. drugs “if you don’t love me I’ll hurt myself”.
GrowthLifelong learning, pursuit of mastery, learning with the purpose of teaching othersInformation gathering without applying. Never enough learning before delivering for the good of others.
ContributionPaying it forward, donating to charity, volunteering, helping people, doing things for others.Being a martyr or victim, giving without prioritising taking care of yourself, giving to get.
Extract from Fiona Ellis, Aligned Future & Tony Robbins, Robbins Research Inc.

Have you ever noticed that when things become to certain, too much routine, too much same-same groundhog day then we’ll find a way to spice things up a bit. “Variety is the spice of life” they say.

Have you ever seen significant people that appear to have it all, fame and fortune, but feel alone and spiral out of control with addictions of all types, because they can’t find real connection and love?

Tony Robbin talks about the Core Needs and how we meet them in this TED* Talk YouTube. There are other important elements connected to our human needs too. Our Core Beliefs and our Emotions and each of us has a unique operating system, also known as our Map.
Personal Coaching is about tapping into your passions. What is that you truly desire? What’s most important to you right now?

We begin by doing the deep heart-based work first. Would you like to understand your human needs? What are your beliefs? We all need to do the deep work first otherwise what you may end up with, hopefully, is success, but not with a lasting sense of fulfilment.

The facilitated training I deliver alongside my coaching, in the 3 Vital Questions and TED* (The Empowerment Dynamic), is guaranteed to also add enormous value to your life!
  • Your human needs will be met in a positive way, that is for certain.
  • You will learn about your own default human operating system. Together we will explore your old drama story and tap into your empowering story as we co-create big and small desired outcomes you wish to achieve.
  • There is so much that will transform your life.
  • The ripple effect of positive change on all your important relationships, with those you love, your community and those you serve is one other benefit.

Contact me today to book a complimentary appointment via Zoom.

Let’s talk about your human needs, how you prioritise them, and how you can change that should you wish to. Let’s get into some deeply immersive personal work that will be life-changing for you.

Start today!

Take care of yourself first,


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