
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Your Purpose

Some people get all tensed up and squinty eyed about the word “purpose”. 

Your Purpose isn’t one activity. It is much broader than a specific career and contains more than how you’re making a living.
It’s a mistake to confuse how you earn a living with what your life purpose is. 
It is possible to implement your purpose from within your work and career, but it is much larger than that. 

Your purpose is within you, ready to blossom from your natural gifts, talents, desires and passions. 

Look at what excites you.
What kind of activities bring joy and satisfaction? 
What is it that you spent countless hours on as a kid? 
What gives you peace, that you could spend hours doing again now? 

You just need to remember what your gifts, talents and strengths are.
You are a unique human being. 

My MAKING SHIFTS HAPPEN coaching program for women unburies your core values, your gifts, talents and your purpose plus much more. For details of coaching click the Book Your Clarity Call for a confidential first introductory call.

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