
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

Lead like Ben with the 3 Vital Questions® and TED*®

Throughout our six-week exploration of CEO Ben’s transformative leadership journey, we observed his internal reflection and engagement, which reshaped the culture at his company.

Discovering a New Approach to Leadership

Ben’s journey began with a profound realisation:

“There is nobody out there training people like me in this space.”

He observed the limitations of conventional leadership education. In his experience, it often employs a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t address individual leaders’ and teams’ nuanced needs.

Bridging the Gap: From Convention to Customisation

For Ben, it wasn’t about simply making money. It was about developing a deeper understanding of his team and their motivations and effectively communicating his vision. His shift from seeking to “fix the people problem” to embracing a more holistic approach—guided by the 3 Vital Questions® and TED*® curriculum—proved transformative.

Embracing Transformation

“The foundational self-directed 3VQ course opened my eyes,” Ben reflects. “It’s not just about resolving immediate issues but fostering a culture where understanding, growth, and effective communication thrive. It’s about transforming workplace drama into productive, forward-moving interactions.”

Ben’s Call to Action

Ben’s call to action resonates deeply with his journey:

“For any CEO out there, consider investing in understanding your team at a deeper level. The ROI isn’t just financial; it’s about cultivating a resilient, engaged workforce that drives sustainable growth. Take that step towards a more connected, purpose-driven workplace. You’ll sleep better for it!”

Closing Thoughts

Reflecting on his own growth and the impact of tailored insights, Ben encourages fellow leaders to take a 10,000-foot (or 3,000-metre) view of their interactions with staff.

“Your people are the most important asset,” he emphasises. “Invest in strategies that nurture their potential and watch the returns multiply.”

In closing, Ben’s story highlights the profound impact of investing in internal growth and leadership development. When exploring innovative approaches to managing people and how you will lead them, the true transformation starts with you. 3VQ and TED* are a unique, inside-out blend that enhances organisational performance while fostering a culture of trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Lead Like Ben with 3VQ and TED*

Are you ready to transform your leadership approach from conventional to exceptional?

Schedule a chat with Susan today. Discover how our tailored 3 Vital Questions® and TED*® e-courses, facilitated discussions and workshops will revolutionise your organisation’s dynamics.

Our approach challenges conventional wisdom, providing strategic insights that drive profound growth and lasting change. Embrace the Challenger mindset and lead your team to thrive in a culture of innovation and purpose.

Take the first step towards building a resilient, engaged workforce that propels your organisation towards sustained success.

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