
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Be Different: How Embracing Uniqueness Built Our Nursing Agency Without Ads

In a world that often values conformity, standing out from the crowd can be a powerful strategy.

At RNS Nursing, our approach was anything but conventional. We believed in the magic of personal connection and the power of being genuine, which set us apart in the competitive nursing agency industry.

Nursing recruitment and supply agencies face constant shortages and high competition for talent like many industries. The larger agencies would engage in aggressive advertising, predatory pricing and recruitment tactics. However, we chose a different path, one that focused on relationships and community.

Tom and I (Susan), as founders and co-owners of RNS Nursing, took a personal approach. We weren’t just business operators; we were part of the community. We showed up, we cared genuinely, and we made work fun. Whether it was dressing up in costumes or hosting bed races, we were there, making a difference in the lives we touched.

Our Approach included:
  1. Engagement through Unique Events: We organised memorable community events like the annual bed races for the Golden Bed Pan trophy, collaborating with the leaders of hospitals and aged care sites we served, to create weeklong celebrations acknowledging for the hard work of nurses, midwives and care workers.
  2. Travel and Thanks: We travelled thousands of kilometres each year to personally thank the staff of over 100 sites during International Nurses and Midwives Week, enhancing our connections.
  3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: By focusing on genuine interactions, we turned every nurse and client into a potential advocate, who then shared their positive experiences with others.

We didn’t need traditional advertising because our actions spoke louder than ads could ever. Our clients and nurses felt cared for and part of a larger community, which naturally led them to recommend us to others.

While other agencies watched and wondered, questioning the risks we took, we knew that not taking these risks was a bigger threat. Without our unique approach, we could have been just another nursing agency lost in the sea of sameness.

Our strategy paid off. Not only did we create a thriving business, but we also built a community.

Our team felt appreciated and our clients trusted us to deliver exceptional care. The result? RNS Nursing grew through referrals alone, without a single dollar spent on traditional advertising for over ten years!

Being different isn’t just about standing out for the sake of it; it’s about being bravely authentic. At RNS Nursing, we embraced our uniqueness and found that when you do small things with great love, the impact can be immense. This approach didn’t just fill positions; it filled hearts and fostered a supportive network that propelled our business forward.

As you consider your own business or team, think about what makes you different.

How can you leverage your unique strengths to create a lasting impact?

Remember, in a world that often pushes conformity, the most successful leaders are those who dare to be different.

Tom and I were at the helm of RNS Nursing for 14 years, during which our vision was not just about sustaining the business but also about making a profound impact.

Our company was essential, supporting hundreds of hospitals and aged care sites across Australia, providing much-needed nursing care during critical shortages. This meant that RNS Nursing was there when healthcare sites were overwhelmed, giving regular staff much-needed breaks and preventing burnout by covering countless shifts.

In 2014, we sold RNS Nursing to a national competitor keen on consolidating similar agencies across different states and territories. By 2016, we had completed our transition out of the business, which opened up new avenues for travel and exploration, sparking curiosity about what the next chapter in life and work would hold for each of us.

Today, I continue to channel my leadership spirit into my current work, delivering transformative programs based on the 3 Vital Questions and TED* frameworks.

I choose to make these powerful tools accessible and life-changing for all, staying true to my roots as a leader who cares deeply about impacting lives positively. Through my work, I ensure that leadership and personal empowerment are within reach for everyone, continuing my journey of influence and innovation as I walk beside them.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

John C. Maxwell

In your journey to transformative leadership, let us be your guide.

If you are ready to embrace the path of leadership that leads to success and fulfillment, contact us today to start the conversation!

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