
Lead Believe Create with Susan Dunlop

I don’t do drama

Do you know anyone in your workplace or life who says “I don’t do drama”? Those who say they “don’t do it” are often the ones who have the most of it.

I know I had plenty of drama that “I didn’t want to do” when I was CEO. I’m not the only business owner who didn’t want to do drama. Drama kept me awake at night regularly!

Since 2018 I chose to learn and understand how we humans operate in times of stress. As a certified facilitator with the Center for The Empowerment Dynamic, I now deliver a powerful curriculum. We address the Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT®) roles we human beings default to in times of anxiety and stress. I will introduce you to the antidote for those toxic DDT roles in the form of The Empowerment Dynamic®.

A CEO shared with our 3 Vital Questions® trainer community one of his many AHA moments:

“we spent all of our time trying to put fires out. That led to no accountability. That led to people being rescuers. I’m probably the biggest rescuer in the company!”

Chris, CEO
One option is the 3 Vital Questions: 2 Day Deep Dive Practical Workshop to transform workplace drama

My intention is to help organisations identify and break the cycle of drama in their workforces. Then, together we will move team(s) to the empowered and outcomes-focused way of operating. A bonus is that shift will not only happen at work, but in their personal lives!

Drama Triangle emotions

Has workplace or family drama got you down lately? Do any of the words in this image depicting ‘drama’ resonate with you? You need to know about the Dreaded Drama Triangle®.

Please book a conversation in my scheduler – times are available this week! I will look forward to hearing what’s going on for you and share the options I have available with you.

Take care,

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