
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

When we feel fulfilled we have enough time and energy for anything needed

Do you question sometimes whether life could be better than this, that you could feel more happy, more fulfilled?

When we feel fulfilled we have enough time and energy for anything needed - Deepak Chopra quote

Some weeks in coaching come together with a sense of wonder to me.

Weeks like last week, when each of the clients I’m coaching seemed to align with their desires and important life questions.

What came up, in unique and different ways, I can put into one sentence as this:

“How can I have more energy, how do I find more time to do what I need to do, be more successful, more happy, have more love and feel FULFILLED?”

Deepak Chopra’s words came to mind:

“when we feel fulfilled we have enough time and energy for anything needed”.

Deepak Chopra

I shared with them a lesson I’d heard from Deepak on this to go and contemplate between sessions.

Briefly, Deepak says that:

“We only thrive when our lives have meaning, love, purpose, achievement, self-esteem, positive core beliefs and trust in a power higher than ourselves.

When any of those things are diminished we exist with inner hunger and longing.

When they are totally deprived we starve inside.

This is why so many people seem together and successful from the outside but struggle with internal chaos, discontent and lack of purpose.”

Deepak Chopra

In coaching sessions currently we are exploring each client’s perspective (simply starting with a score for each of these on a scale of Zero to 10) for:

1️⃣ how much meaning does your life have right at this minute?

2️⃣ how much love do you have for yourself (start with self-love)?

3️⃣ are you clear on your unique purpose?

4️⃣ what’s your sense of achievement?

5️⃣ how’s your current level of self-esteem?

6️⃣ are your core beliefs mostly positive?

7️⃣ do you trust in a power higher than yourself?

Start by seeing things as they are, not worse than they are; then close the gap from where you are now to where you want to be.

Every day is a new beginning 💖

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