
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Leave People Better Than You Found Them

“Leave people better than you found them”.

It kind of fits snugly within the core values of kindness and love and many other values, come to think of it.

It could be about listening with the intent to understand, before being understood; or thinking of how you can light someone’s day up, even just a little; being fully present and looking up as a loved one walks in the door – no phones or distractions.

It could also be about releasing the need for control; or letting people take responsibility for their own lives, so you also let them grow.

How else could you leave people better than you found them I wonder?

I’d love to hear how you have experienced this – in leaving people better than you found them or having had someone leave you better than they found you.

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