
Susan Dunlop: Lead Believe Create

Susan Dunlop lead believe create

Beauty as a Core Value

Have you seen the ABC program “Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds” yet?

This morning, looking at the core value of Beauty, and Sophia Loren’s description of what Beauty is:

“beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical”.

Sophia Loren

I thought how true it was in relation to the elderly participants in that ABC program.

Initially the 80 to almost 100 year old participants tested high on the elderly depression scale, measured extremely poor on fitness & balance.

They feared the repercussions of a fall; didn’t risk it; most sat in their rooms for up to 20 hours a day – in ‘god’s waiting room’, and didn’t try to connect.

The geriatrician said that 40-50% of residents in a nursing home never had visitors (before Covid).

Sitting alone, disconnected = they looked grey, heavy, with very dull, very sad eyes! Not feeling good on the inside at all.

The positive transformation from connection, giving new things a go, increased movement, getting outdoors, playing games with 4-year olds was beautiful. A lovely thing to watch unfold.

Going from holding back, with excuses; not participating fully in the days they do have to fill; to having an absolute ball of a time, shoes off, paddling at the beach for the first time in decades; painting; making scones; getting to share the experience of holding newly hatched chicks… such a beautiful experience of 4-year olds hanging out with 80-90+ year olds.

The change to how the elderly felt on the inside reflected in their wise, happy-wrinkled, eyes; they got colour back in their cheeks; they cracked jokes with each other; made new friends; and their movement and balance improved.

Is Sophia Loren’s description of Beauty what you would agree it to be, if Beauty is one of your Core Values?

We all have different perspectives.

This perspective is only mine, in relation to watching people’s eyes light up from the inside.

It’s also one of the many joys of being a life coach 🤩

If you want to take a lovely deep dive into understanding your core values – going through the list of the values you pull away from, and ponder why; and those values you are drawn towards – that is a 2 week set of 2 coaching sessions right there, along with some FunWork to do in between sessions.

A Workbook is included.

Currently you can do this, given it’s the turn of the New Year into 2021 for $250.00. Valued at $400 – what a lovely new year’s gift to give yourself.

Book in for a quick chat and we’ll get you on your way to pinpointing the 5 most important values, of all your values, that you would never go without, for the rest of your life.

Wishing you a happy day,


Hello I'm Susan Dunlop

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